Ode to my knee caps

crop sportsperson resting after training on lawn

I wrote this after I had lost some weight. I thought I had some sort of health issue when I saw something protruding around the mid leg area. I then realised they were my knee caps and I just hadn’t seen them in a really long time.

Oh knee caps I have not seen thee,

since circa 1993.

color colour fitness health

Your bony ridges atop cartilage waves,

I thought were myths like sirens, mermaids.

color colour fitness health

Now you emerge from deep within

your long time abode of chub and skin.

color colour fitness health

And proudly sit so bold and high

halfway between my shin and thigh.

color colour fitness health

So pity men who anger me,

for you will soon and surely see,

color colour fitness health

that there are no ands,  ifs or buts,

my new found friend will crush their nuts.

color colour fitness health

Oh knee caps I have not seen thee,

since circa 1993.